
Traits Ether Cards have a large variety of Traits that provide cardholders with benefits for both the digital and physical world. Traits can be divided into three categories: Limited Edition, Random Edition, and Conditional Traits. Many of these Traits can be applied to partner collections that are created using the EtherCards platform.

These traits are the most valuable and powerful Traits. These Traits never expire and will never be offered again. Users can select which Trait(s) they would like to assign to their Limited Trait Slots. Founder Cards have one slot, Alphas have two, and OGs have three. Most Limited Edition Traits will have the ability to level up.

Random Edition Traits vary in their benefits and value, and are assigned randomly to cards. Some cards will have lots of these Traits, while others may only contain one or in some rare cases, none.

Conditional Traits generally have a set value and are only applied to cards that meet the conditional requirements.

Limited Edition Traits

25% Discount

ID: 135
Applies to: OG

Provides a 25% discount to the cardholder for any service on the Ether Cards event platform.

15% Discount

ID: 136
Applies to: Alpha

Provides a 15% discount to the cardholder for any service on the Ether Cards events platform.

5% Discount

ID: 137
Applies to: Founder

Provides a 5% discount to the cardholder for any service on the Ether Cards events platform.

1 Extra Ticket

ID: 142
Applies to: All

Receive an extra free ticket when participating in Ticket events.

2 Extra Ticket

ID: 143
Applies to: All

Receive two extra free tickets when participating in Ticket events.

3 Extra Ticket

ID: 144
Applies to: All

Receive three extra free tickets when participating in Ticket events.

All Services Free

ID: 141
Applies to: All

Waives the fee for creating any event on the Ether Cards event platform.

Free Puzzle Creation

ID: 140
Applies to: All

Waives the fee for creating a Puzzle event on the Ether Cards event platform.

3 Leaf Lucky Clover

ID: 145
Applies to: All

Receive a slightly higher chance of obtaining rare cards when purchasing Blind Bags

5 Leaf Lucky Clover

ID: 146
Applies to: All

Receive a higher chance of obtaining rare cards when purchasing Blind Bags

7 Leaf Lucky Clover

ID: 147
Applies to: All

Receive a much higher chance of obtaining rare cards when purchasing Blind Bags

Free Ticket Creation

ID: 138
Applies to: All

Waives the fee for creating a Ticket event on the Ether Cards event platform.

Free Blind Bag Creation

ID: 139
Applies to: All

Waives the fee for creating a Blind Bag event on the Ether Cards event platform.

Random Edition Traits


ID: 101
Applies to: All

Placeholder Trait


ID: 102
Applies to: All

One-time ability to re-randomize any (or all) selected layers of the card’s accidental art image.


ID: 103
Applies to: All

One-time ability to re-randomize any (or all) selected layers of the card’s accidental art image, guarantees non-common layers.

Art Drop

ID: 104
Applies to: All

Provides the cardholder with free NFT art drops from Ether Cards artists.


ID: 105
Applies to: All

Provides the cardholder with the ability to redeem a physical item

Alpha Upgrade

ID: 106
Applies to: Founder

The cardholder can replace this card with an Alpha card from the Ether Cards vault, randomly chosen by Chainlink's VRF.

OG Upgrade

ID: 107
Applies to: Founder & Alpha

The cardholder can replace this card with an OG card from the Ether Cards vault, randomly chosen by Chainlink's VRF.

Extra Limited Edition Trait Slot

ID: 108
Applies to: All

Provides the cardholder with an extra Limited Edition Trait slot on this card

Forge Protector

ID: 109
Applies to: All

Protects this card against the Forge’s sacrifice for one use. When sacrificing this card in the Forge, it will not be destroyed and will remain in the cardholder’s wallet.

50% Discount

ID: 110
Applies to: All

Provides a one-time 50% discount to the cardholder for any service on the Ether Cards events platform.

25% Discount

ID: 111
Applies to: All

Provides a one-time 25% discount to the cardholder for any service on the Ether Cards events platform.

10% Discount

ID: 112
Applies to: All

Provides a one-time 10% discount to the cardholder for any service on the Ether Cards events platform.

5% Discount

ID: 113
Applies to: All

Provides a one-time 5% discount to the cardholder for any service on the Ether Cards events platform.

Free Ticket

ID: 114
Applies to: All

Provides the cardholder with one free ticket to be used on any participating Ticket event.

Lucky Reroll

ID: 115
Applies to: Founder & Alpha

Allows the cardholder to reroll the card’s Random Edition Traits with the same chances as an OG.

Rando Dropper

ID: 116
Applies to: All

Drops a random Random Edition Trait to the card, replaced monthly. This Trait can be burned to keep the current Random Edition Trait permanently.

Disco Dropper

ID: 117
Applies to: All

Drops a random Discount Trait to the card, replaced monthly. The Disco Dropper Trait can be burned to keep the current Discount Trait permanently.


ID: 118
Applies to: All

Allows the cardholder to reroll card layers once a month.

Selective Layer Reroll

ID: 119
Applies to: All

Allows the cardholder to reroll the selected layers on the card. This Trait also gives you a higher chance of rolling a “Perfect”.


ID: 120
Applies to: All

Provides the cardholder with the option to replace this card with a randomly selected card from the vault of the same type.

Golden Goose

ID: 121
Applies to: All

Drops a Blind Bag to the cardholder every time Ether Cards holds a Blind Bag event.


ID: 122
Applies to: All

Allows the cardholder to burn this Trait in exchange for a physical version of their Ether Card


ID: 123
Applies to: All

Every time this card changes wallets, one of the Randomized Edition Traits are rerolled

True Name

ID: 124
Applies to: All

Allows the cardholder to name the Card’s Accidental Collaboration artwork

Warp Rabbit

ID: 125
Applies to: All

Provides an undefined benefit, including but not limited to dropping Dust, a Random Edition Trait, an Arson NFT (for Forge users). Upon use, the Trait will reappear on a different card with the potential to add a new benefit.

Synthesis Ritual

ID: 126
Applies to: All

Uses the grid to create a forgeable layer set.


ID: 127
Applies to: All

Allows the cardholder to burn the Trait to redeem special Ether Cards merchandise like hoodies, etc. (Shipping fees apply)


ID: 128
Applies to: All

A card with the Gravity Trait attracts cards that are sacrificed in the Forge and other items that are floating around the Ether Cards universe.

New Commons

ID: 129
Applies to: All

Rerolls “common” layers on the card’s accidental artwork(s), providing the cardholder with two options to choose from for each “common” layer rerolled.


ID: 130
Applies to: All

Provides a shiny or animated overlay to the existing card

1 UP

ID: 131
Applies to: All

Upon using this Trait, the cardholder receives one extra life to use in the Royalty Battle OR the Punk Battle.

Good Company

ID: 132
Applies to: All

Allows the cardholder to burn this Trait in exchange for an extra card from the vault (randomly selected)


ID: 133
Applies to: All

Allows the cardholder to reroll the card’s Random Edition Traits.

New Fan

ID: 134
Applies to: All

A vanity Trait that moves to the most recently moved card of specified artist.

Conditional Traits

Limited Trait Slot

ID: 148
Applies to: All

Trait slots that hold Limited Edition Traits

Punk Battle Ticket

ID: 149
Applies to: All

Entry ticket given to every card to compete in the Ether Card Battle Royale event to try and win a Crypto Punk.

Royalty Battle Ticket

ID: 150
Applies to: All

Entry ticket given to every card to compete in the Ether Card Battle Royale event to try and win one of the 3% Royalty Traits.

OG Layer Drop

ID: 151
Applies to: OGs

Drops 25 extra “Accidental Collaboration” Artworks.

Alpha Layer Drop

ID: 152
Applies to: Alphas

Drops 5 extra “Accidental Collaboration” Artworks.

Artist Trait

ID: 153
Applies to: Artist Cards

Given to any artist who provided art for the Ether Cards sale


ID: 154
Applies to: Presale Cards

Given to any cards purchased during the Ether Cards presale

Classic EC

ID: 155
Applies to: Conditional

Given to any user who posted a classic Ether Card on Twitter


ID: 156
Applies to: Conditional

Given to community members who have contributed to the Ether Cards Project


ID: 157
Applies to: Conditional

Given to Ether Cards team members


ID: 158
Applies to: Conditional

Given to Ether Cards discord users


ID: 159
Applies to: Conditional

Given to cards that have physical items attached to them


ID: 160
Applies to: Conditional

Given to cards with all accidental art layers from the same artist


ID: 161
Applies to: Conditional

Given to Cards that have passed through the Forge and not been sacrificed

For legal purposes, we have to include this disclaimer. This of course doesn’t mean that we won’t do our absolute best to make every one of the Traits possible, but since this is new technology and new legal territory, we need to make sure that the terms and conditions are in order.

All Traits presented here will continue to be iterated and can change, be adapted or removed should technical, legal or other challenges arise. Ether Cards makes no representation that these Traits will increase the value of any card.

Ether Cards makes no representation, warranty, or undertaking, express or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or reasonableness of the information in any posts. Any assumptions, opinions, and details expressed in any Ether Cards blog or community posts constitute Ether Cards' judgment as of the date thereof and are subject to change without notice. Any projections or claims contained in the information are based on a number of assumptions including, but not limited to market conditions and the current status of Ether Cards, and there can be no guarantee that any projected outcomes will be achieved.

Ether Cards does not accept any liability for any direct, consequential, or other loss arising from reliance on the contents of the information in this post.